How do I come across in conversations with my kids?
Are the conversations sufficient to create the kind of relationship I want?
Six themes that make a difference when living and working with others
There is a way of listening that allows people to speak authentically, a way of speaking that engages and influences the thinking of others, and a way of managing the conversation that leads to higher levels of accomplishment. This piece looks at six important ideas about how we have influence with others.
On the Fine Art of Listening
Each of these individual practices create or enhance your ability to influence others. Think about which you routinely use and choose three which would make a difference if you began to use them.
Strategies for Working
with Great People…
who happen to be being difficult right now…
We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us, something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals human spirit.
e. e. cummings, poet
If you change the way in which you listen…
- What might happen?
- Who would you want to notice?
- What conversations would you like to go differently?
What image would you like to portray?
Consider where you want to put your attention
Think about the audience
Think about what you would like to tell me.
There might be some things that I do that
you really like but I’m most interested in the
things that I do that don’t work for you; or
the things that are missing for you and would
make a difference if I started doing them.
Focus is one of the cornerstones to being more
productive. Effective people are clear about their
focus for each day, each week, and over the next 100
To be effective, all teams need a connection to management.
It is simply not empowering to be turned
loose without a clear, visible, active relationship with
a member of management. To use a sports metaphor,
I’ll call this person the team’s sponsor.
This checklist combines all of the action items throughout
Meetings Matter: 8 Powerful Strategies for Remarkable
Conversations by Paul Axtell.
There is a way of listening that allows people to speak authentically, a way of speaking that engages and influences the thinking of others, and a way of managing the conversation that leads to higher levels of accomplishment. This piece looks at six important ideas about how we have influence with others.
Here are eight powerful perspectives for managers and
supervisors to adopt in relationships with their employees:
Creating the future begins with identifying a set of
outcomes that will not happen unless you do something
different from what you are currently doing.
Questions to ask yourself:
- What do I need to get started or spend time on?
- What would give me a sense of accomplishment?
- What commitments have I made to others?
- What meetings and events do I need to prepare for?
- What interests or projects do need to maintain momentum with?
- What small things have been hanging around for awhile?
On the Fine Art of Listening
Use this part of the form to record your notes on what happened in the meeting.
Usually these are content notes about the topics discussed or decisions
made. You might also be watching for certain process areas, such as staying
on track, focused speaking, or closure.
Each of these individual practices create or enhance your ability to influence others. Think about which you routinely use and choose three which would make a difference if you began to use them.
First, being able to express a concern or ask a
question is absolutely critical to maintaining healthy
relationships within the organization—
Identifying clear, measurable goals with time frames for completion is a way to set direction. Reviewing this
graphic is a powerful way to confront how you spend your time and energy.
There is what there is…24 hours each and every day
These statements and questions are designed to provide an
effective way of responding to routine situations. Learn to
identify these situations and practice using these responses.
If you change the way in which you listen…
- What might happen?
- Who would you want to notice?
- What conversations would you like to go differently?
Someone once said that brilliance is in the details. What specific,
day-to-day things might make a difference?