Can girls play in the major leagues?

Last year, Cindy and I attended a Cardinals baseball game in St. Louis. Just in front of us sat a father with his young kids, a girl and a boy. The girl, who was probably about five, had her baseball hat and her glove, ready for anything. At one point, the following...

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Being human…and taking responsibility

For a long time I thought I had these flaws—things about myself that weren’t consistent with the person I wanted to be. I would say nasty things to my kids. I would have judgmental thoughts about others. Even worse, I would say them. I’d lie to my boss about having...

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Nineteen Things I Love About You…

Learn to communicate so your players feel more capable, valuable, and loved. You must see capability when there is no evidence…see value when evidence is to the contrary…and see what’s loveable even when it’s hard to find.  —Tim Gallwey (paraphrased) It is easy to...

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I got a shorter leash!

I expect you’ve learned by now that immediate, in-the-moment reactions aren’t always the most useful. My kids certainly taught me that I sometimes needed a little time, a little distance, or a different perspective before I responded. Some old sayings that suggest...

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Mantras for the holidays: Be your best self

Happy Holidays, A colleague shared with me a wonderful holiday mantra from her meditation instructor, Joe Zarantonello.     Stay Present, Be Kind, and Lower your Expectations. We’ve all thought about who we want to be for our family and friends before, probably many,...

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Four relationship pitfalls to beware of…

Even if we are wonderful as parents, it’s easy to lose the mindfulness that makes us wonderful. Look for these four common pitfalls: 1. When we become very familiar with people, we stop noticing things about them. We’ve all had the experience of driving ten miles to...

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How can I get my parents to listen to me?

This a question I encountered on Rachel Macy Stafford’s blog——which I highly recommend. She said it’s a question she gets often from teens. I get a similar question in my training programs after a listening exercise gives people the experience of...

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