When I was about 50 years old, I was listening to a radio program, and the person being interviewed said very clearly, “If you like yourself, you should call your mother and let her know that you like how you turned out. She did a good job of raising you.”

So, I called Mom and told her that I appreciate how I was raised—that she had done a good job with us kids.  Her response was priceless, “Great! I often wonder what you thought of how I did with you kids.”

It’s a bit of a different perspective, but giving that reassurance is just as important as letting our mothers know how much we care about them.

Here is a recent article that makes the same point—what moms really want for Mother’s Day is simply to know they are getting the business of motherhood right. Read more here.

Make it a point to say that to your mom—or other mothers you know—this Sunday.